Monday, September 27, 2010

Beijing: refused to sign the contract is terminated will receive compensation

琛ュ伩閲戞寜宸ヤ綔骞撮檺鏀粯聽 鏈?涓嶈秴杩?2涓湀
聽聽聽 浠婂悗锛屾湰甯傚姵鍔ㄨ?濡傛嫆缁濈璁㈠姵鍔ㄥ悎鍚岋紝鐢ㄤ汉鍗曚綅鍙В闄ゅ姵鍔ㄥ叧绯伙紝浣嗗繀椤绘敮浠樼粡娴庤ˉ鍋块噾銆?Yesterday, the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau issued the "Beijing Lao She owned [2005] No. 77 Notice", on the establishment of labor relation issues and made detailed provisions.
Specified in the notice, the employer of labor relations in the lift, you must work according to number of years working in the unit to pay economic compensation.
The amount of economic compensation standards: working hours, for one year, to pay one month's wages in the economic compensation (less than one year according to the standard payment of one year); working hours for two years, to pay two months salary The economic compensation, and so on, but not more than 12 months of compensation.
For the economy to pay the standard monthly compensation, notice that, may, after mutual consultation, according to workers before I terminate the labor relationship, the 12-month average wage to perform.
Labor and social security department reminded the public that if the city workers and employers on the controversy over the existence of labor relations, may apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration, or call 12 333 hotline for help.
According to regulations, workers refer to the legal working age in the country within a working capacity of the staff. Employer from the date of employment or a labor relations and labor relations should be established labor contracts. In other words, as long as there is substantial employment labor relations exist, they must sign labor contracts.
New regulations on the protection of workers (soon to visit)
Yesterday, the Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau of Labor Wage Department official said, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, "to establish labor relations matters on notice" different, the city issued the "Beijing Lao She owned [2005] No. 77 Notice" combination of the actual situation of the city.
銆??鎹浜哄+浠嬬粛锛屽浜庡姵鍔ㄨ?鎷掔粷绛捐鍔冲姩鍚堝悓鐨勶紝鐢ㄤ汉鍗曚綅鍙互瑙i櫎鍔冲姩鍏崇郴锛屼絾搴斿綋涓哄姵鍔ㄨ?鏀粯缁忔祹琛ュ伩閲戯紝杩欎富瑕佹槸涓轰簡鏇村ソ鐨勭淮鎶ゅ姵鍔ㄨ?鐨勬潈鐩娿? Because in reality, workers refused to sign labor contracts, it may be because the memory unit to provide the labor contract and other unfair terms in the result. If the worker voluntarily terminate the labor relationship, the employer can not pay economic compensation.



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